Our Services

The Brisbane Neck and Headache Clinic

Introducing the ‘Brisbane Neck and Headache Clinic’ led by renowned Australian Physiotherapist, Peter Farmer.

Peter has more than 30 years experience in assessing and managing neck pain and headaches.

Peter completed his Masters Degree focusing on neck-based headaches and has unmatched experience in the assessment and management of this debilitating condition.

Peter works from our West End clinic and you can book an appointment with him via the link below.

What are Cervicogenic Headaches?

Cervicogenic headaches stem from abnormalities or dysfunctions in the cervical spine, including muscles, nerves, and joints. Unlike migraines or tension headaches, which originate within the head, cervicogenic headaches are referred pain that arises from structures in the neck. Common causes include poor posture, muscle imbalances, spinal misalignment, trauma (such as whiplash), or degenerative changes in the cervical spine.

What are Tension Headaches?

Tension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches, affecting millions of people globally. Despite their prevalence, the discomfort they bring can significantly impact daily life. Understanding the signs, symptoms, causes, and relevant anatomy can help in managing and alleviating this condition.

Tension Headaches Physio Peter Farmer

What are Cluster Headaches?

Cluster headaches, though less common than other types, are among the most painful headache disorders. They are characterized by their cyclical patterns or clusters, significantly affecting individuals' quality of life. Understanding the signs, symptoms, causes, and relevant anatomy can help in managing and alleviating this condition.

Cluster Headaches Peter Farmer West End Physio

Find out more about our treatment modalities:

Book an appointment at our West End or Albion clinics here: