Importance of Ankle Taping after sustaining an Ankle Sprain

When you sprain your ankle, the importance of a physiotherapist taping your ankle cannot be overstated. Ankle taping is a common technique used in physiotherapy to provide support, stability, and protection to the injured ankle.

When you sprain your ankle, the importance of a physiotherapist taping your ankle cannot be overstated. Ankle taping is a common technique used in physiotherapy to provide support, stability, and protection to the injured ankle. Here are some key reasons why ankle taping is important: 

Support and stability: An ankle sprain often results in ligament damage, which leads to instability and decreased joint support. By applying tape, a physiotherapist can help stabilize the ankle joint, limiting excessive movements and reducing the risk of further injury. Taping provides external support to the weakened ligaments, helping you regain stability and confidence in your ankle. 

Pain reduction: Ankle sprains can be painful due to inflammation and tissue damage. Physiotherapists apply tape in a way that provides compression, reducing swelling and pain. The tape acts as a gentle support, alleviating discomfort and allowing you to move with less pain during the healing process. 

Improved proprioception: Proprioception refers to your body's ability to sense its position and movements in space. An ankle sprain can disrupt proprioceptive feedback, making it challenging to maintain balance and coordination. Physiotherapists strategically apply tape to stimulate the skin and underlying tissues, enhancing proprioceptive input. This helps improve joint position sense, leading to better stability and reduced risk of re-injury. 

Early mobilization and rehabilitation: Ankle taping allows for controlled movement while protecting the injured ligaments. By providing stability and support, taping enables early mobilization and facilitates the rehabilitation process. With the guidance of a physiotherapist, you can perform specific exercises and gradually regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion in your ankle. 

Customization and expertise: Physiotherapists have the knowledge and expertise to apply ankle tape in a way that suits your specific injury and anatomy. They consider factors such as the severity of the sprain, your activity level, and any associated conditions. By tailoring the taping technique to your needs, a physiotherapist ensures optimal support and a higher likelihood of successful recovery. 

It's important to note that ankle taping is typically a temporary measure and should be combined with other appropriate treatments and rehabilitation exercises prescribed by a physiotherapist. It is also essential to follow their instructions on when to remove the tape and transition to other forms of support or exercises as your ankle heals.  

Taping is usually taken off after 2-3 days after application. If you are aware that you have a tape allergy, please notify your physiotherapist before tape application. If the taping begins to feel itchy or irritating after application, it is advised to take the taping off immediately.  

If you wish to continue participating in competitive sports after rehabilitation of your ankle sprain it is advised to tape the affected ankle for every training/game for the following 6 months to prevent recurrence.  

Nick Stamatiou

Nick has a strong interest in sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapy and is motivated to help people reach their desired goals and to achieve their full potential.

His experience includes:

  • Sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapist in a private practice setting

  • Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation inpatient physiotherapist at Brisbane Private Hospital

  • Clinical Reformer and Mat-work Pilates instructor

  • Football gameday physiotherapist

While Nick is skilled in managing all areas of musculoskeletal physiotherapy, he has a particular interest in the rehabilitation of muscle strains, hip, knee and lower back conditions. Nick offers dry needling, massage and joint mobilisation to compliment exercise prescription.


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