Common Soccer Injuries that Physiotherapists Treat

Physiotherapists play a crucial role in the management and rehabilitation of various soccer injuries. Some of the common soccer injuries that physiotherapists often treat include:   Sprains and strains: These are common injuries in soccer, often affe

Physiotherapists play a crucial role in the management and rehabilitation of various soccer injuries. Some of the common soccer injuries that physiotherapists often treat include: 

  • Sprains and strains: These are common injuries in soccer, often affecting the muscles (strains) and ligaments (sprains) due to excessive loads going through the muscles or sudden/excessive stretching or twisting of the ligaments. 

  • Ankle injuries: Soccer players are prone to ankle sprains and fractures due to the frequent change of direction, jumping, and contact with other players. 

  • Knee injuries: Ligament injuries such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, meniscus tears, and patellar tendinitis / patellar tendinopathy are very common in soccer players. 

  • Hamstring injuries: Soccer involves a lot of running, sprinting, and quick acceleration and deceleration, which can lead to excessive loads going through the hamstring causing strains. 

  • Groin injuries: Strains or pulls in the groin area can occur due to quick lateral movements and kicking actions. 

  • Shin splints: Pain along the tibia (shinbone) caused by overuse or improper running mechanics can affect soccer players. 

  • Concussions: Head injuries may occur due to collisions with other players or the ball. Physiotherapists are trained in managing the adequate sports load throughout the rehabilitation process to avoid future post-concussion syndrome symptoms that may prolong athletes return to sport.  

  • Fractures: Bone fractures can happen in various parts of the body due to impacts and collisions during the game. 

  • Dislocations: Joint dislocations, such as shoulder dislocations, may occur from falls or tackles. 

  • Contusions and bruises: These are common minor injuries resulting from impact with the ball, other players, or the ground. 

  • Achilles tendon injuries: Overuse or sudden movements can lead to Achilles tendonitis / Achilles tendinopathy or, in severe cases, ruptures. 

  • Plantar fasciitis: Inflammation of the plantar fascia underneath the foot can occur due to repetitive stress due to the large amount of running involved with playing the sport. 

  • Overuse injuries: Soccer players are susceptible to various overuse injuries, such as stress fractures, tendinitis, and bursitis, due to the repetitive nature of the sport. 

Physiotherapists use a combination of manual therapy, exercises, and rehabilitation techniques to help players recover from these injuries, improve their strength and flexibility, and prevent further occurrences. Additionally, they may work closely with other healthcare professionals, like sports doctors and athletic trainers, to ensure a comprehensive and effective treatment plan.

Nick Stamatiou

Nick has a strong interest in sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapy and is motivated to help people reach their desired goals and to achieve their full potential.

His experience includes:

  • Sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapist in a private practice setting

  • Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation inpatient physiotherapist at Brisbane Private Hospital

  • Clinical Reformer and Mat-work Pilates instructor

  • Football gameday physiotherapist

While Nick is skilled in managing all areas of musculoskeletal physiotherapy, he has a particular interest in the rehabilitation of muscle strains, hip, knee and lower back conditions. Nick offers dry needling, massage and joint mobilisation to compliment exercise prescription.


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