Custom Made Orthotics

Orthotics are custom-made medical devices designed to support, align, or improve the function of the feet and lower limbs. They play a crucial role in treating various feet and lower limb conditions and can provide relief from pain, enhance mobility, and prevent further injury.

Types of Orthotics:

  • Custom Made Orthotics: Custom orthotics at Brisbane Physiotherapy are individually crafted to meet the specific needs of the patient. They are designed based on a thorough assessment of foot structure, gait pattern, and any existing foot problems. Custom orthotics provide tailored support and alignment, addressing issues such as flat feet, high arches, prominent bones, calluses, and corns.

    There are many different options when it comes to custom orthotics which can be tailored to your needs based on a thorough assessment with your podiatrist. In conjunction with your requirements and input, we can choose from very soft orthotics designed to provide cushioning to your feet to more firmer devices for those requiring increased support. Some available options include:

    1. 3D Printed Orthotics: 3D printed orthotics utilize advanced technology to create customized devices tailored to the individual's foot shape and biomechanics. These orthotics are constructed layer by layer using a precise digital model generated from a patient's foot scan. 3D printed orthotics offer a high level of precision and customization, allowing for targeted support and pressure distribution. They are lightweight, breathable, and can incorporate intricate design features to address specific foot conditions effectively.

    2. EVA Orthotics: Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) orthotics are soft and flexible custom devices made from a lightweight foam material. These orthotics provide cushioning and shock absorption, making them ideal for individuals with sensitive or diabetic feet as they offer optimal comfort and pressure relief. They are commonly prescribed for conditions such as neuromas, diabetic neuropathy, and arthritis. EVA orthotics are available in various thicknesses and densities and are easier to modify once designed, to accommodate different foot shapes and needs,

    3. TPU Orthotics: Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) orthotics are versatile custom devices made from a durable and resilient material. These orthotics offer a balance of support and flexibility, making them suitable for a wide range of foot conditions. TPU orthotics provide dynamic stability and shock absorption, promoting natural foot movement and function.

  • Prefabricated Orthotics: Prefabricated or off-the-shelf orthotics are pre-made and available in standard sizes and designs. While they may offer some level of support and cushioning, they are not customized to the individual's foot shape and biomechanics.

Health insurance:

Certain health insurance providers may offer full coverage for the expenses associated with orthotics, potentially eliminating any out-of-pocket expenses. However, the extent of coverage may vary based on your specific insurance plan and provider.

Who Might Need Orthotics:

Orthotics may be recommended for individuals experiencing various foot and lower limb issues, including:

How Orthotics Are Made:

The process of making custom orthotics typically involves the following steps:

  1. Assessment: Your podiatrist will conduct a thorough evaluation of your foot structure, range of motion, strength, gait pattern, and specific foot concerns.

  2. 3D Scan: An impression of your feet will be taken using digital scanning technology to customise the fit and feel of your orthotic.

  3. Design: Based on the assessment findings, symptoms and foot scan, a custom orthotic design is created to address your unique needs and requirements.

  4. Fabrication: The scans will be sent a laboratory where the orthotics will be manufactured according to the script design.

  5. Fitting: Once the orthotics are ready, you will undergo a fitting session to ensure proper fit, comfort, and alignment. Any necessary adjustments are made to optimize performance and functionality

  6. Review: After a period of wearing-in, you and your orthotics will be reassessed to see if they require any modification to improve comfort, feel and support.

If you believe you may benefit from orthotics, consult with our team at Brisbane Physiotherapy for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized orthotic prescription tailored to your specific needs and goals.


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