NDIS Reports & Initial Assessments


Applying for funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can often be a lengthy and daunting process. You will typically need to fill out extensive paperwork and present reports from your healthcare team to support your claim. These reports can range from short letters to detailed documents and cover everything from your current physical capacity to your home environment and your ability to access the community.

When you come in for your first session at Brisbane Physiotherapy, your clinician will ask a series of questions. Some of these may seem personal, but they are crucial for understanding how your condition impacts you. These questions may include:

What is your current diagnosed or suspected disability?

  • For those seeking further funding or undergoing a yearly review, this means providing your current NDIS registered disability or condition, plus any new or recurrent injuries. New applicants will need to provide documents from treating physicians and specialists, which will be included in your portfolio along with your physiotherapy report. This ensures the NDIS has multiple sources to confirm your current disability level.

What is your current mobility level?

  • Providing detailed information about your mobility helps us identify the areas where you struggle, whether it’s walking, transferring between devices, or accessing the community. This will be further assessed later, but it’s important for all your clinicians to understand your mobility challenges and daily life issues.

Do you experience any pain?

  • Pain is a critical aspect of many conditions and can significantly impact function. Informing your clinician about where and when pain occurs helps tailor both your treatment and the report.

What supports do you currently access?

  • Whether it’s vital in-home care or help with tasks like mowing the lawn, informing your therapist about the support and care you receive regularly helps us reinforce these supports in your report. This ensures continued access to current supports and identifies any gaps in your treatment team.

What does an average week look like for you?

  • This helps clinicians understand your activity levels and the types of activities you engage in frequently. Providing a thorough weekly schedule allows us to individualise your report and ensure key activities are supported.

What are your goals?

  • This is the foundation of every report. The NDIS aims to help those living with disabilities achieve their goals, whether it’s improving fitness, decreasing pain, or enhancing community access. Physiotherapy and exercise physiology are vital for building a strong foundation to help you reach the next level. Regularly updating and keeping these goals current ensures you receive the highest quality care.

Testing and Assessments

After this initial discussion, you will complete a series of physical and mental tests to identify the areas that need the most attention. These tests provide a baseline to assess future progress and identify important milestones to help you achieve your goals. These tests are tailored to each individual, and our experienced staff will ensure they are conducted safely and comfortably. This can include:

  • Joint range and muscle health checks

  • Baseline mobility drills

  • Strength assessments

  • Balance drills

  • Specialised tests based on your condition

Referrals and Reporting

Based on your appointment results, your clinician may refer you to other allied health professionals to ensure comprehensive coverage and make the application process as stress-free as possible.

After completing these steps, a detailed report will be compiled and provided to you, detailing the findings and recommendations. This report can then be attached and submitted with your NDIS application.


At Brisbane Physiotherapy, our clinicians can assess your current condition and provide written letters, recommendations and treatment plans. These documents can provide the cornerstone of your application and streamline the application process. If you or someone you know needs a helping hand to access the wide array of NDIS supportive services book an appointment today! 


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