Our Services
WorkCover Queensland
Brisbane Physiotherapy & Podiatry is a registered WorkCover Queensland provider. We help hundreds of WorkCover Queensland patients every year recover from their injuries and safely return to work.
Our process with WorkCover Queensland is simple:
An injured worker will be referred by their treating Doctor (GP or Specialist) to Physiotherapy
The injured worker will need a Queensland Workers’ Compensation Medical Certificate and a WorkCover Queensland Claim Number (such as S24AA000000)
Once you have the above, WorkCover QLD pre-approves 6 Physiotherapy sessions
If you need more than 6 sessions, our Physiotherapists write a Provider Management Plan to request additional sessions
We invoice WorkCover Queensland directly and do not charge a gap for our services
Click here for more information about WorkCover Queensland.
If you’ve already been referred by your Doctor and have an approved claim, go ahead and book an Initial Consultation on the link below.
About WorkCover Queensland
If you’re a worker and you’ve experienced a workplace injury, your employer is obligated to help you get back to work.
What is your role?
Your role is to take part in all rehabilitation designed to assist your recovery, as soon as you can after your injury. It’s important that you're also part of planning your return to work, together with your employer.
What are your responsibilities?
See a doctor straight away and let your employer know what has happened.
Make sure any forms needed are filled out properly and signed, including an incident report.
Take part in recommended medical treatment and physiotherapy rehabilitation programs.
Make sure you’ve given a copy of all current work capacity certificates to WorkCover, your treating physiotherapist and your employer.
Actively take part in planning your return to work, together with your employer and make every effort to get back to work.
Talk openly and honestly with your doctor, physiotherapist, WorkCover, and your employer and update them regularly.
If you can’t do your normal tasks at work, be prepared to do other work until you can. Your employer will help you with this.
Make sure you let WorkCover (or employer, if they’re self-insured) know if anything changes such as; your condition or treatment; if you receive Centrelink benefits; or you return to work of any sort.
About Physiotherapy for WorkCover Queensland
Initial Consultation
A one-on-one initial consultation for the treatment of a work-related injury or condition, or the first consultation in a new episode of care for the treatment of work-related injuries or conditions.
Initial consultation may include:
subjective assessment
objective assessment
tailored goal setting and treatment planning
setting expectations of recovery and return to work
clinical recording
communication with the insurer of any relevant information for the worker’s rehabilitation.
Subsequent Consultation
A one-on-one subsequent consultation in the treatment of work-related injuries or conditions. The first six (6) consultations (including initial consultation) are pre-approved, provided the injuries or conditions have not previously been treated by an allied health provider.
Subsequent consultation may include:
ongoing assessment (subjective and objective)
setting expectations of recovery and return to work
clinical recording
communication with the insurer of any relevant information for the worker’s rehabilitation.
Find out more about our treatment modalities:
Book an appointment at our West End or Albion clinics here: