We offer dry needling

Brisbane Physiotherapy dry needling acupuncture

Did you know that we offer dry needling?

Dry needling can be an effective treatment technique in the management of painful trigger points.

Needle penetration causes localised tissue damage, which triggers an inflammatory process. This stimulates release of histamine and bradykinin which creates vasodilation which bring leukocytes. This eventually leads to healthy tissue repair.

Think about needling as re-stimulating your bodies healing response.

Some studies argue that dry needling stimulates the release of enkephalin and endorphins which activates the pain inhibitory mechanism.

While dry needling can be an effective treatment technique in the short term, it shouldn’t be done in isolation. Trigger points generally develop due to biomechanical abnormalities that require targeted exercise prescription to correct.

Do you think you’d benefit from dry needling? Book in online today.


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