Hands on: Massage

Massage is a commonly used treatment technique for the management of increased muscle tone, myofascial trigger points and thickening of connective tissue.

As always, our motto is “good treatment needs a great assessment”. So we always start with a thorough assessment. If assessment reveals restrictions in movement or localised trigger points then massage may be appropriate.

Muscular abnormalities can cause pain and affect neuromuscular control. In some instances, these abnormalities (muscle tension, trigger points and connective tissue thickening) can impact muscle power, endurance and altered activation. Treatment can therefore target these abnormalities to help restore normal movement patterns.

Massage can have analgesic affects by eliciting a release of pain-mediating substances and to deactivate symptomatic trigger points. Moreover, massage can stimulate the tension-monitoring receptors within the muscle to reduce muscle tone.

Massage may be combined with a flexibility program to help restore optimal muscle length. More importantly, massage should be combined with exercise therapy to restore strength and endurance in chronically inhibited muscles.

Patients may independently address their soft tissue structures using various techniques such as foam rolling and trigger balls. These tools are cheap and easily accessible and, when done correctly, can reduce muscle tone and deactivate symptomatic trigger points.

Feeling tight? Come and see us today for an assessment and hands on treatment.

- Brisbane Physiotherapy 💚

References: Brukner and Khan, Clinical Sports Medicine


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