Stiff neck or back?

You may benefit from joint mobilization.

This is a passive movement technique applied to a joint aiming to restore full range of motion.

This is commonly performed to the joints of the spine with varying amplitudes of movement.

These movements can positively influence the intervertebral discs/bodies, apophyseal joint capsule, neuromuscular spindle in intrinsic muscles and the pumping effect on venous plexus.

While joint mobilization can be effective on its own, itโ€™s best when combined with other treatment techniques such as exercise and soft tissue release (massage/trigger point).

As always, we believe that good treatment starts with a great assessment.

See one of our Physios for an assessment and they can determine what treatment will help you get back to your best.

- Brisbane Physiotherapy ๐Ÿ’š


Hands on: Massage


When to apply heat