Helping you understand your injury

People think Physiotherapy is all about treatment. Here at Brisbane Physiotherapy, we know good treatment needs a great assessment.

We start with a thorough history where we learn about the behaviour of your symptoms. This may include understanding where the pain is, aggravating or easing factors and diurnal patterns. We also want to know about your injury history and relevant general health.

We then complete a thorough musculoskeletal assessment. This may include evaluation of: range of motion, muscle strength, ligament laxity as well as specific neurological, orthopaedic and biomechanical tests.

Once the assessment is complete, our Physios may, on occasion, require further investigations such as X-Ray or MRI. But typically, without the need for scans, our Physios can provide you with a diagnosis of your injury.

We believe that if you understand the source and cause of your injury, you’ll feel more empowered to address it. We also like to keep things simple so we explain in plain terms without medical jargon. We incorporate state of the art software that allows you to visualise the structures that are impacted.

We also like to map out your pathway to recovery. Think of this as your roadmap to get back to your best. We will outline the expected recovery time and build you a bespoke treatment/rehabilitation plan to match.

Book online today for your assessment and treatment with Brisbane Physiotherapy 💚.


When to apply ice?


Meet our founder, Damian 👋